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Important Factors When Storing Food

6 Important Factors That Preppers Must Consider When Storing Food

Any prepper worth his/her salt knows that one absolutely must have food stored away for any possible emergency. During a time of crisis, you...
Useful Survival Gear

Useful Survival Gear That Every Prepper Should Pack

In this article we’re going to look at some highly useful survival gear that you should carry with you if you plan on bugging...
Water Purification

Important Water Purification Tips for Preppers

During a crisis, the importance of drinking water cannot be overestimated. While the average human being can go without food for 3 weeks or...
Electromagnetic pulse

What Exactly Is EMP?

Electromagnetic pulse An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also sometimes called a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a short burst of electromagnetic energy. Such a pulse's origin may...
Food Storage Tips

8 Food Storage Tips for Preppers

One of the first thoughts that crosses most people’s minds during times of crisis is food. They wonder if they have enough food at...
Safeguard Your Valuables

How to Safeguard Your Valuables in Times of Crisis

During a time of crisis, more often than not, law enforcement will be extremely busy and unable to uphold the law efficiently. There’s just...
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After The Fall

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EMP-resistant technology

Faraday Bags and EMP Protection: Safeguarding Your Electronics in an Era of Rising Electromagnetic...

In today's interconnected world, our reliance on electronic devices is ever-increasing. From smartphones to laptops and even our household appliances, electronics have become an...
Survival Barter Items

Top 5 Survival Barter Items for Grid Down

In grid-down scenarios, having the right items to barter can mean the difference between thriving and just surviving. Why survival bartering? Now, you might be wondering,...
Raising Chickens 101video

Preparing for Grid Down: Raising Chickens 101

So, what’s the current price for a dozen eggs where you live? Let’s talk about the benefits of raising chickens, as part of your...